


Getting back your mojo during lockdown with Bojo

Written by Dr. Antonio Pangallo, Ph.D. 1 min read

Dr. Antonio Pangallo Ph.D

has worked as a psychologist for over 10 years in the UK and Australia. He earned his Ph.D. in Psychology from City, University of London studying psychological resilience in palliative care workers where he also held a post as a Lecturer. He is a registered psychologist in Australia & UK.

The timing of this article will hopefully provide a somewhat beige lining around what has been a pretty dark brown period.

That said, one of the biggest favours we can do ourselves as human beings is lock onto our sense of purpose in life. For me, that sense of purpose is to lift both cheeks off the sofa and keep up the commitment to BS aka Body & Spirit.

I think it’s probably an understatement to say that the “flu” of 2020/ 21 has been a complete and utter cluster flock for many of us. However, one study in Bonnie Scotland showed that there may be an upside to the flu that keeps on giving. Pandemic Positive Change.

In 2019, our cheery Scottish kinsmen conducted a study looking at possible factors that support and promote health during stressful conditions. Researchers looked at the positive changes people experienced over a three – month lockdown period in Scotland.

The results were pretty interesting yet unsurprising. Those reporting higher levels of positive change were female (ok, that was a bit of a surprise), younger, married/defacto living with their partner, employed, and in good health. Those that experienced positive changes also reported being more appreciative of things usually taken for granted, spent more time doing enjoyable things and more time in nature/being outdoors. They also reported increased exercise or physical activity and spent more quality time with their partner or spouse. In short, those that felt better, paid more attention to personal health in a more holistic sense.

For those of you that prefer the wineglass half full, you may be asking, who fared the worst in this study? It was those aged 65+ with health conditions. Elderly participants (particularly those
that reported having health conditions) reported the lowest level of positive change and experienced most of the negative outcomes associated with lockdown.

Now, for those of you sitting back thinking, “No shit, Sherlock”, there is a point to this story. Growing into a fine old vintage wine need not be soured by ill health. Take the frustration of being locked down and put the “I” back in mind, spirit, and exercise. The time is now. Engaging now will prepare you for the potential (and avoidable) health challenges that can be associated with ageing. A daily practice of whatever it is that floats your boat can pay off exponentially as we age. And if you’re struggling to get out the door or find that mojo, do the following:

1. Ask yourself how motivated you are to exercise| mediate etc. right now?

2. Plot your level of motivation on a scale of 1(meh) – 10(squeal like a pig with excitement).

3. Next, challenge yourself to find one thing you can do differently today to move that number 1 or 2 points up the scale towards 10.

4. Keep going until both cheeks are well off the sofa and strutting down the high street.

You got this!




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